Personal Tours

As soon as you arrive in Venice you notice something: no honking cars, no bikes or scooters. You do see old ladies with trolley bags and young men with big trolleys transporting literally everything. All transportation in Venice is done over water or on foot. That makes it one of the most unique cities in the world.

The best way to get to see the city centre of Venice is by foot. Svenicetours offers you the best possibility to get off the beaten track. Away from the tourist traps and masses you get the feel that you have Venice for yourself. This experience in itself is priceless, but Sven offers you more. You get to know all of Venice, and that literally means all. From the humble beginnings of the Republic on the banks of Lido to the deportation of the Yews from the world famous Ghetto in 1943. You get to ask all the things you want to know about the grand history of this great city.

After this walk given by Sven you will know everything about Venice. You will have seen more than the average tourist and you will know more for sure. And isn’t that what travel is all about!


Boat Tour:

Venice is much more than the San Marco square, the Rialto Bridge or the Ghetto. The islands Murano and Burano, yes in fact the whole Laguna is part of the City of Venice. The best way to get to know Venice fully is from the water. Water is everywhere in the city, it is the reason the city found its independence, became the most powerful Republic in Europe and alas it is the reason this unique City is now in peril.

Svenicetours offers you the unique possibility to see the city the way it was made to bee seen, from the water enjoying a glass of Prosecco or two. From the water enclosed island which situated the Ghetto to the islands of Murano and Burano. From the water Venice transforms yet again into a gem you did not get to see before.

The water is the best place to hear everything you need to know about what makes Venice so great. Sven will take you through the water-filled history of the city and for a few hours he will make you feel like a true Venetian, taking in the city from the water.

I hope to see you soon at Villa Contarini,

Sven Dewever