Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions of www.villacontarinibnb.com

1. Introduction to the general conditions of use of the site www.villacontarinibnb.com
This document contains the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the website www.villacontarinibnb.com hereinafter referred to as „General Conditions“, owned by Villa Contarini BnB with headquarters in Via Contarini, 6 – 30126 Venezia Lido (VE), to which they must adhere all those who wish to browse the pages of the same. Access to the website www.villacontarinibnb.com hereinafter referred to as the „Site“ and any action involving navigation on its web pages constitute acceptance of the General Conditions. Anyone accessing the Site implicitly declares not to use the Site and the material contained therein for illicit purposes or in any case contrary to the laws in force. These General Terms and Conditions may be modified by Villa Contarini BnB at any time, without the latter being required to give prior notice to users who may in any case view the updated version from a specific link on the home page of the site. Access to the Site after any modifications involves the full and unconditional acceptance of the General Conditions as amended. In the event that the user does not intend to accept the General Conditions, it is sufficient for him to refrain from browsing the pages of the Site.

Site content
The Site is a showcase for the presentation of Villa Contarini BnB products. Through this Site it is possible to consult (subject to registration and approval) the retailers area from which it is possible to choose and then order products presented by phone or email. The site is not an e-commerce site. All the contents of the Site (images, photos, videos, sounds, trademarks, logos, domain names, application software, graphic layouts, technical documentation, etc.) and the rights associated with them are reserved. Any use other than consultation for personal information purposes is therefore prohibited.

Intellectual and industrial property rights
Villa Contarini BnB is the exclusive owner of the logos and trademarks and of the Site www.villacontarinibnb.com. All material on the Site is subject to copyright and is the property of Villa Contarini BnB or third parties who have licensed it. All the contents of the Site are protected and protected by current laws on copyright and industrial property. Any copying, saving, printing or re-use of the contents of the website for purposes other than personal knowledge and information and any activity that may harm the legitimate interests of the authors and holders of the contents of the contents is prohibited. Furthermore, the information and materials contained on the Site may not be used for commercial purposes.

Content warning
Villa Contarini BnB has taken every precaution to prevent the publication on the website of contents describing or representing scenes or situations of physical or psychological violence or such that, according to the sensitivity of the users, can be considered harmful to civil convictions, rights human and human dignity, in all its forms and expressions. In any case, Villa Contarini BnB does not guarantee that the contents of the website are appropriate or lawful in other countries, outside of Italy. However, if such content is deemed unlawful or illegal in some of these countries, the User is asked to avoid accessing the website and if he chooses, in any case, to access it, we inform that the use he decides to make of the services provided by Villa Contarini BnB will be its exclusive and personal responsibility.

Website registration
To access the products section on the www.villacontarinibnb.com site, register on the Website. All natural persons over the age of 18 can register on the Site. The data required for registration must be completed in full and with true data: the incorrect or incomplete compilation of the registration form in its mandatory parts will not allow the registration to and the performance of other possible activities foreseen by the Site itself. Villa Contarini BnB has the right not to accept a registration request if there is a just cause and after due control. Registration for the Program must be considered personal and not transferable to third parties. The Holder will choose, when registering on the Site, his own User and Password with which he will be able to access the dedicated online services. Each member is solely responsible for the secrecy of their Password and User.

Account cancellation
By registering on the site and accepting the conditions of sale, the user of the www.villacontarinibnb.com website accepts that in certain circumstances, Villa Contarini BnB may, subject to notification to the user, cancel a user’s registration with the site. The causes for the cancellation can be: Violation of the rules established in the Terms and Conditions of Sale Requests submitted by police or other government bodies; User request; Modification of the service offered by www.villacontarinibnb.com; Unexpected technical or security problems. The list of causes is not to be considered exhaustive. The user accepts that all cancellations are made by Villa Contarini BnB at his discretion and that Villa Contarini BnB cannot be held responsible to the user or third parties for any cancellation made.

Site assistance and functionality
For any problem encountered while using the Site, the user can contact Customer Service or the following email address: info@villacontarinibnb.com. Similarly, Villa Contarini BnB recommends contacting the Internet service provider or checking that each Internet connection device and access to web content is properly activated, including the Internet browser. Although Villa Contarini BnB will try to do everything possible to ensure continuous access to its website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and its contents may not allow Villa Contarini BnB to operate without suspensions, interruptions or discontinuities due to the need to operate website updates.

Villa Contarini BnB will take all necessary measures to keep the site of its ownership free of viruses. However, it cannot guarantee that it actually is. For this reason, Villa Contarini BnB recommends the utmost attention and invites Users to adopt suitable antivirus systems. Villa Contarini BnB does not guarantee the absence of errors and the continuous availability of the services offered on this site.

Linking and Fraiming
It is absolutely forbidden, without the prior written authorization of Villa Contarini BnB, to create links to the site both with the Home and with internal and / or accessory pages (linking). It is also forbidden to link or present the content of the site within another website (framing). In any case, the conditions of the sites reached are to be considered prevailing on this document. In the second the links inserted reach third-party sites, these have the sole function of facilitating the navigation for the user; Villa Contarini BnB cannot in any way influence the structure of third-party sites connected to its own, nor can it be aware of the truthfulness, correctness and adequacy of the materials and / or information contained therein.

Privacy and use of cookies
Villa Contarini BnB informs the User that the Site can use „cookie“ technology with the purpose of analyzing the paths and other behavior of users on the site itself and therefore being able to improve the commercial offer or related services. The user can, by configuring his browser, exclude, view before accepting or cancel cookies. These settings may prevent access to some parts of the site or prevent navigation. All personal data entered by the User are protected by security measures that guarantee their treatment in full compliance with the Personal Data Protection Code, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003. The privacy policy is to be considered an integral part of these General Conditions and is accessible in the „Privacy Policy“ section of the website.